Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Last day of March !!!

So fast !!!
But still got a lot of things to do this year ...
and of course waiting for the discharge of prefects 09/10,
Prefect camp, Hiking, Scout ...
wanna pay attention during class, extra class and tuition also ...
I don't want to regret afterwards ...
better use the time given ...
also pray a lot ...
never ever get distracted ...
don't forget who you are ...
don't forget what do you want for life ...
think for the future ...
always think outside the box ...
be positive ...

wow ... am I just lecturing ... or some kind of giving ceramah ...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

30th March

WHAT !!!
I just minat dia bah ... itu si Ash ... I love his manner, he's cute, not so talkative, shy ...
I'm so mad when people TEASE me with him ...
but during this season of Lent, I should be more patient ...
lucky you guys ...
hope this won't happen again or else, I'm gonna do what I used to do when I was at home,
that I'm going to SCREAM and SHOUT as loud as I can ...
I hate when people use to make fun and do jokes about me related to boys ...

so wanna do my Physic peka and my Chemistry ...
I wish I can drop Sejarah ... coz I hate Sejarah ...
I never learn Sejarah and even though how good is the teacher, still I cannot remember the facts ...
coz I hate remembering the things that already pass and something that is quite unuseful for my future ...
I know learning Sejarah is good because you can learn 'Sejarah Negara' ... but please lah ... I only can remember our 'Rentap' ... he's the most mysterious history that I ever know ... because my teacher said, till nowadays the people still don't know where is 'his' grave ... and dun even found his dead body ... he such a brave man ...

Lucky I can live in Sarawak ...
Sarawak is full of nature ...
Sarawak have all the 'gas asli' ...
also we have the hydroelectric dam to generate electricity ...
lucky lah ... we got a lot of Christian here in Sarawak ...

Sunday, March 28, 2010

♥ • ♥ SO SWEET ♥ • ♥

wow ... just on the first day of this week ...
I feel like so LUCKY today ...
'he' or I called him H² ...
on the last Wednesday, we sit together on the way back from Padang Jubli ... then this morning, we kept meeting ... and during the reccess, me kan pengawas so I jaga on the 1st floor ... then he saw me upstair and also I accidentally saw him so he's like wants to play² with me like that and then he smiles at me ...
and so I go crazy and happy lah ... :þ
how sweet is he ... ♥.♥

And So The Bad News Is,
then there's also keep bothering us the prefects ... and so we, prefect want to have a camp for our calon so that we can analyse them ... but the fact is we should have done the preparation for the camp within 1 month ... but during our badge this year, we only got 2 weeks for the plan, the cost, the t-shirt, etc ...
why the pengetua don't want to cooperate with us ???
what's wrong with her ???
we need that in order to choose a good and good quality prefects ...
MY GOSH !!! even we want to make a change so everything is perfect and make it fair and square that one also wanna take such a long time to decide ...
why don't she thinks about it ... haiyo don't be so stingy lah !!!
coz everything will turn out very satisfying result ...

Saturday, March 27, 2010

EnougH !!!

I'm fed up with all this stuff ...
I not going to have 'you' in me anymore !!!
gonna keep my heart for someone else now ...
You keep me waiting ... and it feels like I've been waiting for a decade ...
It hurt me so much ... so much if feels like I've been stabbed ...
there is nothing that I expected from you ...
you give me such a cold action and you just leave me there without knowing how I feel ...
we'll see ... that ...

Friday, March 26, 2010

♥ • ♥ Happy Birthday To ME ♥ • ♥

yay !!!
The day has come !!!
Today is my 17th Birthday !!!
wanna have my driving license early ... but my parents won't do ...
but it's okay !!!
as long I can eat as many as I wanted ...
uhm ... what to eat today hoh ??? KFC ??? Pizza Hut ??? Kolo Mee ???
but what I want for my present is HEADPHONE !!!
I want it so badly !!!
and also I want Super Junior Eunhyuk so badly !!!!!
OPPA !!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sport's Day

1st day ...
So I woke up pretty early that day ... then we went to Padang Jubli using the bus ... and it's quite packed though ... I would have like to sit beside him but yea ... there's 'halangan' that really keep us apart ... ;(
then time balik, coincidently I sat beside Wee Han coz I thought there's no more seat ...
aww ... he's so sweet though ... soft talk, caring and ... ish ... no need to know la ...
so hard to find that moment again ... gotta keep that ... ;þ
during the lintas hormat ... alamak !!! we already do our best ... but still we got the last place ... but I'm so proud that my kids never give up and never arguing about joining that lintas hormat ... ;)
after the lintas hormat then we quickly change our outfit and get ready for the next performance ... so there's the picture that you can see up there ...
(me look so serious)

2nd day ...
MAN !!! it's tired ... imagine pusing 2 times the padang ... and take part in 4x400 ... so tired aaa ...
and I only can take 4x100 then lucky we got no.3 ...
after all day we've been through all the acara ...
still we got no.4 ... why !!!!!
I dun get it ...

as the conclusion, that's all for today ... chow !!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

YAY !!!

YAY !!! Got my papers already ... guess what ... first time ever i got 69% in Physic ... it's unbelievable ...
Chemistry I got 59% ... so alang2 ...
so I see an improvement in me ... (^_^)
wanna go further than that ...

!!! FIGHTING !!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

School OPENS !!!

So tomorrow, the school reopens ... meaning ... we gotta continue the lesson, writing, reading, doing homeworks, prefects and blah, blah, blah ...

It's fun though ... but the thing that I hate the most is the SPORT'S DAY !!!
why ??? well because I have to run, doing the marching, performance ... and that's tiring ...
Although I hate it still I have to do it ...

school ... here I come !!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Super Junior in Malaysia ...
I'm happy to hear that ... but the thing is they only do it in KL (Kuala Lumpur)
How about us in Kuching ?!?!?!?!
That's not FAIR !!!
Why don't they come here like 2 or 3 years later ...
maybe on that time we already got our own money and we can spend it to buy the most precious SUPER JUNIOR TICKET !!!

Me totally envy those people who live in the Peninsular Malaysia ...
especially who lives at KL !!!
uuuuuwwaaaaaahhhh !!!!!!!

wanna see my SWEET BABY EUNHYUK !!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

2% people who hates me ...

so ... it's true that only little people who hates me ... but I don't seems to understand when they hate me without no reason ... 'these' people used to hate me start when I was in
form 3 ...
so let me tell you what happened ...
First of all, they hate me just because I admire 'their guy' ... WTH !!!
they say 'ngegeh na juak eh ... bencik ku !!!'
'aoklah asa nya pande lah tek'
even when I speak English pun diaorang nak gago ...
hate these people ...
Now next to the second case ...
this girl keep praising herself and show to the people that she had a boyfriend lah, someone wants her to become their girlfriends lah ... about that I don't care...
and she wants to make herself pretty and instead she's making it worse ... you got what I mean right ...
so I used to admire this guy ... and she heard from people that I like this guy ... then she cerita2 that she have the phone number of that guy ...
so what I care ... I only ADMIRE him ... not more than that ...
then the whole class starts to kecoh2 but her ...
lalek lah ... she calls him, she text him ... like she wants to make me jealous of her ...
and I used to call that guy 'pusak hitam' coz he used to be ketua pengawas ... then that girl pun copy and paste my gelaran ... WHAT !!!
where's her humility ??? pande2 jak nak copy and paste org punya barang ...
that guys used to be in 5 Electron ... and so I work hard that I can enter the Electron ...
finally it becomes reality ... and I show it to her ...
IMAGINE how's her face ... ahahahaha ...
so when I was in form 4, I ada ikut camp at SMK Lake, Bau ... I used not to be so popular ... even I'm not that pretty enough to attract those (XX) <- Biology (male chromosome)
then she pun buat cerita that there's a guy who asked her number and the story keep repeating again that the guy want her to be his girlfriends !!!
MAN !!! that is the most disgusting things that I ever heard !!!
Makes me wanna PUKE !!! xþ ...
after cuti then the school reopens ... guess what ...
she got her hair straighten ... and that makes her even more UGLIER ...

So the sport's day for SMK Jalan Arang , coming soon ...
then we suggest to make a performance ...
plus she join the performance ... while we practicing, me and my friends keep laughing ...
Imagine her dancing ... that was the most funniest things ever ...
dancing like a crab I guess ...
that's all lah ... wanna mamam first ... then mandi ... and go for my
tuition class at 7th Mile ... and that's my Add Math ...

that's all for now ... chow ...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

♥ • • ♥ • • ♥

I wish you know this feeling,
The feelings that keep I'm gambling with,
I'm afraid this feeling might have just killing me from inside.

Should I face this or just give it up ?
Because this heart never be the same again,
If you keep going on like this.

Day by Day,
You keep me waiting,
Waiting you is the hardest part ever in my life.

Where is the word that you used to say to me ?
It's so hard to find the 'old' you,
Changes in your heart maybe the reason.

Distance is not the reason,
It doesn't mean that this heart will forget you,
The longer it goes the crazier I will be.

I keep thinking about you,
It seems I can't erase you out of my mind,
Thinking wanna make sure that your heart is mine.

I try to show my feeling towards you,
Because I cares about you,
And to show how much I love you.

Having you in my life,
Meaning I won't let you go,
And promise I will make you HAPPY.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Really, my heart must have done something somehow

I must have become a fool that's blind from love
Just one place, everyday one place

Looking at the sad light that is you

Even the tear glands must be broken

My tears won't stop

I love only you, only you

Can't you just tell me?

(taken from Boys Over Flower - My Heart Had A Brain Freeze)

Monday, March 15, 2010

ScHooL BreaKs ...

Yup ... that's true ... school holidays ...
something that makes me happy and also tired ...
what makes me happy ... because I can have this time to study and do my revisions, having a time more with my family, relax my mind and my body ...


what makes me really hate school holidays ...
I will have to do all the houseworks while our aunt went back to kampung,
doing all the washing really makes my fingers worn out when all my fingers, the skin just peeled off ... gosh!!! that hurt especially when it dries !!! that really makes me so hard to write ... but still I have to fight against that pain in order to achieve my dreams ... :) and it doesn't mean that I'm lazy ok ...

last but not least, I hope that during this holiday I can manage my time when to study, to play and also when to do the houseworks ...

the longer the holidays, the longer I miss him ... wanna see him again after the school reopen ...
gotta do what a prefect go to do ...
sitting on the plastic chair and keep my ears and eyes open to the teacher in front ...
I'm gonna miss that after we already become the 'school-leaver' ...
so ... what I gotta to do now is I'm going to pull my socks up before SPM and show to the people that I never disappointed them especially my parents ...

believing that God will see my good deeds and know what I want, I believe that He will help me and guide me with the Holy Spirit so that I can go through all this ...

lucky I have Daisy ... she's a good friend of mine since we were in Form 2 ... she is my very first friend when I moved into SMK Jalan Arang ... wow, never knew both of us have going through all this and end up in 5 Electron ... we used to study together, went for a tuition together, eat together, becoming the prefect and buy things together ...
so our relationship is quite special ... she knows more about Add Math so I can learn from her ... and since I knows more about Biology so I can teach her even though she kindda hate that subject ...

so I guess I've been talking too much today ... gotta go ...

May God Bless You Guys during this holiday ...

It's the B to the U to the S and Y ... = Busy

yup ... busy ... yesterday we went back to kampung for a while ... barbecue the chicken and also make the pulut panggang ... walao ... sedaaaap ...

so today [15.Mac.09], I wake up at 6:30 am and get ready to go to school for a dance practice ... from 8 to 10 ... then balik rumah ... change clothes and go for a Biology tuition again at batu 7 ... and now [04:18 pm] ready and wait till 5 pm to for Physic tuition again ...

hope that I will gain something tonight ... and hope that I can concentrate during the teacher is teaching ...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Settle ...

starts from the first day of exam we got ;

Pendidikan Moral
Bahasa Malaysia
Bahasa Inggeris
Additional Mathematics

so I'm hoping that I will get a good and satisfying result ... hoping that God would have been nice to me this time ... I really work it out ... and try my very best ...

Monday, March 8, 2010

Biology !!!

why are you so 50% hard 50% easy ??? so tension !!! only God knows ... because He made us ... and create all the living things here on Earth ...
and then during the exam just now, totally made me insane ...
or should I say 'Syok Sendiri' ...
well I really love to sing ... I love to dance ... wish I have a karaoke set then I can sing every night and every day ...
how much hah ???

what I aspect my mom to say :
aok lah ya ... benda keda ya mau ... kelak belajar sik ingat lalu kau ya... SPM pun belum apa gik lesen kereta maok ambik ... dah brapa dah spend ... tambah tuisyen ko gik ... belanja ko sekolah gik ... pikir orang tua tok berduit kah ???


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Two is better than One

and i guess two is better than one ... so as soon as I step into the classroom, the ketua pengawas just inform me that I got another junior(calon pengawas) ...
and imagine how was my feeling ...
I was wondering why should I have to take 2 juniors ...
and the reason is because I know how to explain more about prefects to them ???
what's the difference ???
well ... lucky me ...

whewww ...

finally ... no more BM and BI in my mind ... just waiting for Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Additional Mathematics and Mathematics !!!! yay !!! can't wait ...

so today I finish my paper earlier and I have a chance to sleep for a while ... a little bit uncomfortable but it's good though while waiting for the others to finish theirs' ...

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Lucky ...

Lucky me to have this beautiful face ...
Lucky me to have a good voice to hear ...
Lucky me to have my own talent ...
Lucky me to have kind, loving, caring and understanding mom and dad ...
Lucky me to have this life this ...
Lucky I was born into a Christian family ...
Lucky me to have a good, kind, caring and understanding friends ...

Additional Math ...

well ... in form 4 there's some of the topics are quite hard for me to understand though ... I would have to take more times to figure it out, understand it and analyse it ...
But I will try to make through though ...

Friday, March 5, 2010

Once A Scout Always A Scout ...

10:15 am just got back from school ... finish with our Scout meeting ... it's fun to teach those juniors but it's okay for me even though it was hard ...
I never thought being a scout is fun ... people nowadays just being so lazy ... ada camping saja semua mau ikut ... when comes to meeting ... waaaaa ... so little people ... why !!!! but scout must be patient rite ...

Good News ... ♥

Super Show 2

that's why I love HIM !!!

Guess what !!! Super Junior Eunhyuk have recovered from H1N1 ... lucky for him ... I really wanna watch their Super Show 2 concert in Kuala Lumpur this coming 20th March 2010 ... but how can it happen ... the tickets are too expensive !!! :(

1st day of EXAM

Today we have paper for Pendidikan Moral and Sejarah ...
Plus ... I will never ever like the Sejarah no matter how good the teacher is ...
Because I will never have stored "those" Sejarah accept for the Sarawak history and other world history ...
So I got to be ready for the next paper ... wish me luck !!!

"having a great moments with you guys ... is a memory that can never replaced or deleted ..."
From left: Fyie, Daisy, Me, Esther

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I cannot stand it anymore ...

I wanna discharge from being PREFECT ... I feel that people nowadays never want to greet me just because I'm the prefect ...
I'm getting tired of 'these' teachers ...
Only making decision by themselves ... will they ever think about our problem even just for a minutes ???
If 'that' teacher keep going on like this, I guess there will be no more PREFECT in the school ...
and also my worry now is our marching team ... for our SCOUT ...
30 peoples is enough I guess ... no need to take so much ...
but the thing that is more important is we want perfection ...
We can't quit just like that ... we want to gain the position at least no. 4 ... I used to cry when we never get any number at all for 5 or 6 years ... I dunno why ... maybe they are envy of us ???
Oh God, guide us ... and make us work hard and never give up ... since this is our last year for the form 5 student, at least we still can do our very best to our juniors so they

Monday, March 1, 2010

Even more WEIRD ...

when he said he got migraine ... i dun care ... but when he said he got headache yesterday i mean we 'selang-seli' kena bah ... maybe just a coincidence ... dun care that much ... :P