Friday, July 30, 2010


wow ... I still can study when I was in Form 3 ... but this year ... waaaaa ... lot of things going on ... the KK stuff really buat KACAU lah ...
and this is our last year as a SENIOR in Form 5 ... i'm gonna miss how we have to wait for our turn during recess just to buy foods ...
we'll be free after SPM ... no more stay until evening for the extra class, the KK and after SPM ... I can't wait to take the driving license and roaming around the city with my friends ... ahahahaha ...

but the main point now here is the SPM ...
SPM is the most scariest things ever in my life ...
the subject increase ... and plus, we are the Science students ...
so far Physics, Chemistry, Biology I can go along very well ...
But I want to pass my Pendidikan Moral, Bahasa Malaysia, Mathematics and Additional Mathematics ...
I'm still struggling with my Additional Mathematics and my Mathematics ...
I really want them to get a least A or B+ ...
and not to forget my Pendidikan Moral with the 36 definisi and the nilai also ...

no more KK ... hope I can study quite well ... and think for my future and my dreams also ...

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