Friday, March 19, 2010

2% people who hates me ...

so ... it's true that only little people who hates me ... but I don't seems to understand when they hate me without no reason ... 'these' people used to hate me start when I was in
form 3 ...
so let me tell you what happened ...
First of all, they hate me just because I admire 'their guy' ... WTH !!!
they say 'ngegeh na juak eh ... bencik ku !!!'
'aoklah asa nya pande lah tek'
even when I speak English pun diaorang nak gago ...
hate these people ...
Now next to the second case ...
this girl keep praising herself and show to the people that she had a boyfriend lah, someone wants her to become their girlfriends lah ... about that I don't care...
and she wants to make herself pretty and instead she's making it worse ... you got what I mean right ...
so I used to admire this guy ... and she heard from people that I like this guy ... then she cerita2 that she have the phone number of that guy ...
so what I care ... I only ADMIRE him ... not more than that ...
then the whole class starts to kecoh2 but her ...
lalek lah ... she calls him, she text him ... like she wants to make me jealous of her ...
and I used to call that guy 'pusak hitam' coz he used to be ketua pengawas ... then that girl pun copy and paste my gelaran ... WHAT !!!
where's her humility ??? pande2 jak nak copy and paste org punya barang ...
that guys used to be in 5 Electron ... and so I work hard that I can enter the Electron ...
finally it becomes reality ... and I show it to her ...
IMAGINE how's her face ... ahahahaha ...
so when I was in form 4, I ada ikut camp at SMK Lake, Bau ... I used not to be so popular ... even I'm not that pretty enough to attract those (XX) <- Biology (male chromosome)
then she pun buat cerita that there's a guy who asked her number and the story keep repeating again that the guy want her to be his girlfriends !!!
MAN !!! that is the most disgusting things that I ever heard !!!
Makes me wanna PUKE !!! xþ ...
after cuti then the school reopens ... guess what ...
she got her hair straighten ... and that makes her even more UGLIER ...

So the sport's day for SMK Jalan Arang , coming soon ...
then we suggest to make a performance ...
plus she join the performance ... while we practicing, me and my friends keep laughing ...
Imagine her dancing ... that was the most funniest things ever ...
dancing like a crab I guess ...
that's all lah ... wanna mamam first ... then mandi ... and go for my
tuition class at 7th Mile ... and that's my Add Math ...

that's all for now ... chow ...

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